Department of Crop Physiology, Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University, Jabalpur, M.P.
Field experiment was conducted during kharif, 2015-16 at Dry land farm, on sandy loam soils of Sri Venkateswara Agricultural College, Tirupati situated in Southern Agro-Climatic Zone of Andhra Pradesh. Ten guar genotypes were evaluated for seed quality parameters. The results revealed that among the quality attributes total carbohydrates, seed protein and total free amino acids contents varied significantly and no single genotypes showed superiority on these attributes. Gum viscosity and gum content of guar seed are important in terms of economic value. Genotypes RGC-936, RGC-936-1, GA2G-0503, RGC-1003 and RGG-12-3 recorded superior gum viscosity (> 4000 milli pascals per second) and GAUG-4703-1 and GA2G-0503 recorded higher gum content (> 30%), whereas RGG-13-4 and GAUG-841 are having poor gum content of less than 25 per cent. Gum viscosity recorded a weak negative correlation (R2 = -0.1144) with seed yield. Based on seed yield and its quality, RGG-12-3 is superior in this southern climatic zone followed by RGC-936-1, GAUG-4703-1 and GA2G-0503. RGG-13-4 recorded higher seed yield, but posses poor quality in terms of guar content and its viscosity.
Guar, Genotypes, Seed quality, Gum viscosity
Guar or cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) an arid legume, belongs to the family papillionaceae. It is commonly known as guar, chavli kayi and khutti. It is grown for fodder purpose, vegetable and green manure in arid and semi arid regions of India over an area of (2014-15) 0.43 M ha with a production of 0.25 M tones and yield 567 kg ha-1. In India, it is grown in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa. Among the different states, Rajasthan alone occupies an area of 78%. Jitendra et al. (2014) studied 25 guar genotypes and concluded that protein content was maximum in HG-9-1 (31.96%) and minimum in RGC-1017 (26.91%). Amir et al. (2015) also observed 4 guar genotypes and concluded that protein content highest in GM-6 (42.801%) and lowest in GM-5 (38.524%). Neha et al. (2015) studied guar genotypes and reported that protein content in guar ranged as 13.43 to 13.97 mg/g of fresh weight. Elhardallou et al. (2015) reported that in cowpea, protein content was 26.7%. Naik et al. (2013) also observed 22 genotypes and revealed that gum viscosity is minimum for RGC-1028 and highest for RGM-114. Naik et al. (2013) in their study on variation of protein and galactomannan content in 22 guar genotype seeds revealed that gum content higher for GAUG-011
(31.58) and lowest for RGM 115 (29.1). Jitendra et al. (2014) studied 25 guar genotypes and concluded that gum content highest in FS-277 (29.50%) and lowest in RGC-1017 (22.41%). Amir et al. (2015) in their study on physicochemical properties in new genotypes of guar seeds (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.) revealed that carbohydrate content varies in between 30.259 (GM-6) to 38.578 per cent (GM-5). Elhardallou et al. (2015) also reported that in cowpea total carbohydrate content was 60.07%. Neha et al. (2015) studied guar genotypes and reported that, total free amino acids in guar ranges in between 3.33 to 3.79 mg/g of fresh weight. Elhardallou et al. (2015) reported that in cowpea total amino acid content was 30.28%.There was large variability among the genotypes for grain quality of gum guar. Hence, the main objective of present study is to understand the grain quality of suitable genotypes for Southern Agroclimatic Region of Andhra Pradesh.
Field experiment was conducted at S.V. Agricultural College Farm, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Tirupati during Kharif season, 2015. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with ten treatments and replicated thrice. The treatments consists of 10 genotypes of gum guar (RGC-986, RGC-936, RGC-1003, GAUG-841, RGG-12-5, RGC-936-1, RGG-12-3, RGG-13-4, GA2G-0503, GAUG-4703-1).Various genotypes of clusterbean seeds obtained from Agricultural Research Institute, Durgapura, Rajasthan. The crop was grown in a plot size of 3.0 x 4.5 m with a spacing of 45 cm x 20 cm. Recommended package of practices were followed. After harvesting of crop, quality parameters like carbohydrate content, protein content, gum content, gum viscosity and total free amino acids were estimated. Estimation of protein content in leaves and seeds of clusterbean was done as per the method developed by Lowry et al. (1951). For estimation of viscosity and gum content, the procedure given by Das et al. (1977) was used. The total carbohydrate content was estimated as per the method developed by Hodge et al. (1962). The total amino acid content was estimated as per the method developed by Moore et al., 1948.
Seed yield (q ha-1) of ten guar genotypes tested during kharif, 2015 are presented in table 1. All these ten guar genotypes were evaluated for suitability in this southern agro climatic zone of Andhra Pradesh.
Seed yields were recorded on square meter basis and were converted to quintals per hectare. Large variability for seed yield among genotypes was recorded and it was ranged from 12.12 to 23.47 q ha-1. The two genotypes RGG-12-3 and RGG-13-4 recorded significantly highest seed yield of 23.47 q ha-1 and 23.43 q ha-1 respectively. Four genotypes recorded moderate seed yield viz. RGC-936-1 (19.23 q ha-1), GAUG-841 (18.13 q ha-1), GAUG-4703-1 (17.37 q ha-1) and GA2G-0503 (15.8 q ha-1). Other four genotypes recorded less than 15 q ha-1, which are RGC-986 (12.94 q ha-1), RGG-12-5 (12.41 q ha-1) h are RGC-936 (13.39 q ha-1), RGC-986 (12.94 q ha-1), RGG-12-5 (12.41 q ha-1) and RGC-1003 (12.12 q ha-1). Similar variability in seed yield among guar genotypes was also reported by Anupam Chakraborty (2007), Jitendra et al. (2014), Palankar and Malabasari (2014) and Patil (2014). The two genotypes RGG-12-3 and RGG-13-4 are showed to be promising in terms of growth and yield in this agroclimatic condition.
Total carbohydrate content in seeds of guar genotypes were analyzed and presented in table 1. Significant
variability for total carbohydrate content was observed among the ten genotypes. Genotypic variability for total carbohydrate content among genotypes ranged from 32.09 to 39.00%. RGC-1003 (39.00%) recorded highest total carbohydrate content followed by RGC-986 (38.08%) whereas GA2G-0503 (32.09%) recorded lowest total carbohydrate content followed by RGC-936-1 (32.10%). Similar variability in total carbohydrate content was also reported by Raghuprakash (2006), Naik et al. (2013), Amir et al. (2015) in guar genotypes.
Seed protein content of guar genotypes was estimated and presented in table 1.Genotypic variability for protein content among genotypes ranged from 29.23 to 34.62%. RGC-986 (34.62%) recorded highest protein content followed by RGC-1003 (32.68%) whereas GA2G-0503 (29.23%) recorded lowest protein content followed by RGC-936-1 (30.04%). Similar variability in protein content among guar genotypes was also reported by Naik et al. (2013), Jitendra et al. (2014), Amir et al. (2015) and Neha et al. (2015) in guar genotypes.
Total free amino acid in seeds of ten guar genotypes estimated and presented in table 1. Among the genotypes significant variability for total free amino acid was observed. Variability for total free amino acids among genotypes ranged from 1.89 to 2.23 mg g-1. GAUG-4703-1 (2.23 mg g-1) recorded highest total free amino acid followed by RGG-13-4 (2.2 mg g-1) whereas RGC-936-1 (1.89 mg g-1) recorded lowest total free amino acid followed by RGC-936 (1.95 mg g-1). Similar variability in total free amino acid among guar genotypes was also reported by Gupta et al. (2010), Manivasagaperumal et al. (2011) and Neha et al. (2015).
The data pertaining to seed gum viscosity of ten guar genotypes are presented in table 2. Viscosity profile (m Pa. s) of 1% gum solution in guar seed should be more than 4000 to consider as good quality. Among the genotypes significant variability for gum viscosity was observed. Genotypic variability for gum viscosity among genotypes ranges from 3264.2 to 4690.6 m pa. s. GAUG-4703-1 (4690.6 milli Pascal per second) recorded highest gum viscosity followed by RGC-936 (4665.3 milli Pascal per second) whereas RGG-13-4 (3264.2 milli Pascal per
second) recorded lowest gum viscosity followed by RGG-12-5 (3349.8 milli Pascal per second). Similar variability in gum viscosity among guar genotypes was also reported by Raghuprakash (2006) and Naik et al. (2013). Based on the results, the genotypes RGC-936, RGC-936-1, GA2G-0503, RGC-1003 and RGG-12-3 which recorded gum viscosity more than 4000 milli Pascals per second can be considered of high quality seed compared to other genotypes.
Seed gum content
The data pertaining to seed gum content of ten guar genotypes are presented in table 2. Genotypes with seed gum content of more than 30% are considered good quality character. Among the genotypes significant variability for gum content was observed. Genotypic variability for gum content among genotypes ranged from 23.63 to31.51%. Among the ten guar genotypes RGC-936 (31.51%) recorded highest gum content followed by GAUG-4703-1 (31.19%) whereas RGG-13-4 (23.63%) recorded lowest gum content followed by GAUG-841 (25.41%). Similar variability in gum content among guar genotypes was also reported by Kalyani (2006), Kumar et al. (2007), Naik et al. (2013) and Jitendra et al. (2014).
Based on the seed gum content, RGC-936, GAUG-4703-1 and GA2G-0503 genotypes are considered to be of high seed quality, where as RGG-13-4 and GAUG-841 are of poor quality as their gum content is less than 25%. Other genotypes can be considered to moderate in terms of seed gum content.
Among all the genotypes, RGG-12-3 was having moderate amount of carbohydrate content, protein content, total free amino acids, gum viscosity, gum content with high seed yield as compared to other genotypes. For Southern Agroclimatic Region, RGG-12-3 genotype was suitable under unfavorable conditions.