Adoption Behaviour Of Paddy Farmers In Chittoor District Of Andhra Pradesh



Programme Coordinator, KVK, ANGRAU, Kalikiri, Chittoor dt., A.P.


Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) is a district level innovative science based institution established by Indian Council of Agricul-tural Research (ICAR) for assessment and refinement of the technologies released by National Agricultural Research Systems and identifies technologies in terms of location specific sustainable land use systems. To generate the production data and feed-back information of the successful technologies, front line demonstrations are conducted by the KVKs. Through multifarious activities, KVK touches almost all the psychological aspects of an individual thereby directly affecting his decision to adopt a new technology. An attempt was made to study the adoption behaviour of respondents from adopted villages of RASS – Acharya Ranga Krishi Vigyan Kendra (RASS – ARKVK) with respect to the recommended Paddy production technologies in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. The research study was conducted in eight adopted villages of ARKVK in Chittoor district covering a sample size of 180 respondents. The adoption behaviour of the farmers was studied in terms of four types of behaviour viz., full adoption, partial adoption, discontinuation and non adoption and presented in the form of frequencies and percentages. Reasons expressed by the farmers for each type of behaviour for each and every technology was also presented and discussed. The results reveal that there was a positive trend in the adoption behaviour of the beneficiaries of RASS – ARKVK, thus strengthening the ideology of establishing the innovative institutions all over the country by ICAR.


Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Adoption behaviour; Paddy production technologies; full adoption; partial adoption; discontinuation; non adoption.