Department of Agricultural Extension Education, S.V. Agricultural College, ANGRAU, Tirupati-517 502.
The present study was conducted in the district of SPSR Nellore. To study the profile of groundnut farmers in coastal sandy soils, a total of 90 respondents were randomly selected and interviewed. The respondents were in middle age group, educated up to middle school (27.79%) and high school (24.44%), had small farm size (50.00%), medium experience in farming (58.90%), had medium extension contact (44.45%), medium mass media exposure (58.90%), medium level of innovativeness (74.44%), medium level social participation (83.33%), medium level scientific orientation (77.79%), medium level economic orientation (81.11%) and medium level risk orientation (78.90%).
KEYWORDS: Profile, Farmers, Groundnut cultivation, Coastal sandy soils.