Department of Agricultural Extension, S.V. Agricultural College, ANGRAU, Tirupati.
The present study describes the profile of cardamom growers practicing eco-friendly cultivation in Idukki district of Kerala. The results revealed that majority of the cardamom farmers belonged to the categories of middle age (71.67%), high school education (34.16%), medium annual income (56.66%), small farm size (54.16%), medium farming experience (71.67%), medium training undergone (50.00%), medium mass media exposure (65.00%), medium extension contact (65.00%), medium social participation (60.00%), medium scientific orientation (63.33%), medium innovativeness (50.00%), medium risk preference (60.00%), medium economic motivation (58.33%) and medium environmental concern (66.67%). The above findings depicted that majority of the eco-friendly cardamom growers were in the medium category with respect to their profile characteristics. The study emphasizes that farmers are capable of receiving new technologies because of their medium profile and hence, extension interventions should be made to promote eco-friendly cultivation practices among the cardamom growers.
KEY WORDS: Cardamom growers, Eco-friendly cultivation practices, Profile