Institute of Agribusiness Management, S.V. Agricultural College, ANGRAU, Tirupati-517502.
The present study was done to pesticides usage pattern of cotton farmers in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh. Guntur
district ranks first in the production of cotton in the state. To conduct study two mandals were selected randomly, from which 100 cotton farmers were selected. The majority of the farmers were sourcing credit from the money lenders. Most of the farmer had smart phone for the communication. Greater percentage of farmers had 2.5-5 acres of land size. The mass media exposure was medium among the farmers group. Majority of the farmers were using pendimethalin 30% EC as herbicide, while monocrotophos 36% SL, acephate 75% SP as insecticides and carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP as fungicide. The soluble liquids and solube powders were used maximum by the farmers.
KEYWORDS: Mass media, pesticides, money lenders, cotton farmers.