Influence Of Varieties And Plant Densities On Growth And Yield Of Groundnut (arachis Hypogaea L.) Under Irrigated Conditions



Department of Agronomy, Agricultural College, Mahanandi, ANGRAU, A.P., India.


A field experiment was conducted at college farm, Agricultural College, Mahanandi, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural Uni-versity, Andhra Pradesh, India during rabi 2012-13 to evaluate the influence of varieties and different plant densities on the growth and yield of groundnut. The treatments consisted of three groundnut varieties viz, Kadiri 6, TAG 24 and TCGS 29 and four plant spacings viz., 30 × 10, 22.5 × 10, 30 × 5 and 22.5 × 5 cm. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with factorial concept replicated thrice. The experiment revealed that TCGS-29 (Narayani) significantly produced tallest plants over Kadiri 6 and TAG 24. At 30 DAS higher leaf area index and dry matter production (g m-2), was produced by TCGS 29 (Narayani) and it was comparable with Kadiri 6. At 60 DAS Kadiri 6 was produced higher leaf area index and dry matter (g m-2) and at 90 DAS, TAG-24 had produced higher leaf area index and dry matter production (g m-2) which was comparable with Kadiri-6 and TCGS-29 (Narayani) and at harvest higher leaf area index was produced by TCGS-29 (Narayani) and it was comparable with TAG-24. TAG-24 produced highest pod yield (2732 kg ha-1) however which was comparable with Kadiri 6 (2630 kg ha-1) and TCGS-29 (Narayani) (2688 kg ha-1). TCGS-29 produced highest hulm yield (4833 kg ha-1) which was significantly superior over TAG-24 (4441 kg ha-1). Taller plants (48 cm) were produced with a spacing of 22.5 × 10 cm. The spacing of 22.5 × 5 cm was found significantly superior over rest of the treatments in increasing leaf area index (LAI) and dry matter production (g m-2). Significantly highest pod yield was recorded at a spacing of 22.5 × 10 cm and at a spacing of 30 × 5 cm was found to be significantly superior in producing highest hulm yield.