Department of Agronomy, Sugarcane Research Station, Vuyyuru.
During rabi, 2014 and 2015 at Agricultural College Farm, Mahanandi plant height of maize differed significantly due
to residual nutrients (main plots), nutrient doses ± crop residues (sub plots) at harvest. Leaf area index differed significantly with respect to nutrient doses ± crop residues at harvest during the second year, but interaction was not significant. There was significant influence of residual nutrients and nutrient doses ± crop residues on the dry matter production of maize. Significantly higher grain yield of maize was recorded in N3P2 and N3P3 in both the years with respect to residual nutrients. With respect to crop residues significantly higher grain yield was recorded with F2 (125% of F1) which was however on par with F4 (F2 + Kharif crop residue incorporation) in both the years.
KEYWORDS: Maize, Nutrient doses, Crop residues, Plant height, Dry matter and Yield.