Department of Agribusiness Management, S.V. Agricultural College, ANGRAU, Tirupati.
To sustain the self sufficiency in food production, we need effective technologies which can improve the productivity and sustainability of our major farming systems. Polyhouse technology, one among improved technologies which ensures stability in agriculture production. But farmers are facing different constraints while adopting polyhouse technologies. Therefore, in the present study an attempt has been made to study the status and constraints in flower cultivation under polyhouse conditions in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. Three mandals of Chittoor district viz., Kuppam, Gangavaram, Palamaner, were selected purposively looking to the more number of respondent who adopted polyhouse technology. The data were collected from each respondent through personal interview method with the help of structured schedule. For better understanding, all the constraints were divided into three categories viz., production, technological and marketing constraints. The overall findings of the study reveal that major production constraints were high initial investment (82), non-availability of credit (72) and technological constraints were the lack of scientific knowledge about crop production under polyhouse (79), lack of technical guidance about production techniques (68) and marketing constraints were the fluctuations in price and seasonal demand (77), middlemen malpractices (63) were the major constraints faced by farmers in adopting polyhouse technologies.
KEYWORDS: Constraints, Intial Investment, Marketing, Production.