Relationship Between Personal Characteristics And Aspirations Of The Post Graduate Students Of Post Graduate Institute, Rahuri And College Of Agriculture, Pune



Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Agriculture, Kolhapur


This research study was undertaken at College of Agriculture, Pune and Post Graduate Institute, of MPKV, Rahuri of Maharashtra State during the year 2011-12. Expost-facto research design was used for the study. The observations keenly revealed that the characteristics namely academic performance of post graduate students in H.S.C. and fathers’ annual income have positive and significant relationship with aspirations of post graduate students at 5.00 per cent level of probability whereas the relationship between size of landholding and aspirations of post graduate students is positive and significant at 1.00 percent level of probability. However the relationship between other characteristics namely academic performance of post graduate students in Under graduation, family education status, fathers’ occupation is non significant, whereas there is negative and non significant relationship between post graduate students mothers’ occupation and annual income.


Personal characteristics, Aspirations, Post-graduate students, Relationship


Among human resources of any nation, the vital chunk happens to be its youth. India has a power of youth. Youth stands for aspirations. Youth have been playing quite a significant role in almost every country of the world as they possess the zeal and vigour necessary to create opportunities for national development (Bhanu, 2006). Youth stand for aspirations. In the present study the post graduate students do have some aspirations. They have the desire to know, explore and experiment. They have the ability to learn and enrich their knowledge. These aspirations may be influenced by some academic, personal, socio-psychological variables. There are various factors which may determine level of aspirations and educational achievements. Poor academic performance leads to lack of fruitful aspirations and subsequently results in loss of confidence of the incumbent. The personal characteristics and the family background of the students may greatly influence their aspirations and educational achievements. Hence the research paper presents the results about the relationship between the personal characteristics and aspirations of the post graduate students.


The present study was conducted in College of Agriculture, Pune and Post Graduate Institute, Rahuri which are under Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth of Maharashtra state during the academic year 2011-12. Ex-post facto research design was followed for the present study. The total sample constituted 93 post graduate students of Post Graduate Institute, Rahuri and 27 post graduate students of College of Agriculture, Pune with a total of 120 students by following Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling. The data were collected with the help of structured interview schedule. The statistical tool used in this study include correlation coefficient (r).


The study of relationship between personal characteristics of respondents and their aspirations is one of the important objectives of the actual study on Aspirations of Post graduate students. Hence findings of that particular objective are presented in this research paper.

1. Academic Performance and aspirations

a) The academic performance of the post graduate students with respect to percentage of marks scored in

Relationship Between Personal Characteristics And Aspirations Of The Post Graduate Students Of Post Graduate Institute, Rahuri And College Of Agriculture, Pune

XII standard had a profound influence on the aspirations of post graduate students. The ‘r’ value of 0.23from the table I supported the prior assumption showing a positive and significant relationship at 5.00 per cent level of significance. It clearly indicated that the post graduate students who secured higher percentage of marks in XII standard had chosen agriculture education in the face of alternatives. This may be due to the realization of fact that any degree in agriculture gives secured government job and also because of the proximity of agriculture education to research and competitive exams. More et al. (2008) found that there was a significant relationship between academic performance in XII standard and aspirations of agricultural students.

b) The ‘r’ value 0.14 from table I revealed that, there is no statistically significant relationship between the Cumulative Grade Point Average (C.G.P.A) in under-graduation of the post graduate students and their aspirations. This means, aspirations of the post graduate students were not influenced by their Cumulative Grade Point Average (C.G.P.A) in under-graduation.

2. Type of family and aspirations

The correlation between type of family and the aspirations of the post graduate students was found to be non-significant. It suggested that there is no impact of

type of family on the aspirations of the post graduate students. The ‘r’ value of 0.07 from table 13 supported the above statement. It can be inferred that whatever may be the type of family i.e. either nuclear or joint it does not show any impact on aspirations of the post graduate students. Jadhav (2008) reported that there was a non-significant relationship between type of family and aspirations.

3. Family Education status and aspirations

The relationship between Family Education status and aspirations of the post graduate students was found to be non-significant. It means Family Education status of the post graduate students did not influence their aspirations. The ‘r’ values from the table 13 supported the above statement. The aspiration and level of the aspirations are fields of the personal phenomena. Due to this, though the family’s characteristics are likely to influence the aspiration level of an individual, the influence might not be significant. The findings were in far with the study conducted by Saritha (2000).

4. Size of Land holding and aspirations

Parents with large size of land holding have high socio-economic status, greater social participation, and high risk taking ability, have greater exposure and more

opportunities for higher education. It was therefore, assumed that post graduate students with large sized land holding might be having higher aspirations. The ‘r’ value of 0.25 from table 13 supported this assumption showing that the correlation between size of land holding and the aspirations of the post graduate students was highly significant at 1.00 percent level of probability. Deshmukh (2005) reported a significant relationship between size of land holdings and aspirations of students.

5. Parents’ Occupation and aspirations

In this study Parents’ Occupation was mentioned as fathers’ occupation and mothers’ occupation. The ‘r’ value of 0.07 from table 13 revealed that there is no significant relationship between fathers’ occupation and aspirations of post graduate students. The ‘r’ value of -0.13 from table 13 indicated that the correlation between mothers’ occupation and aspirations of post graduate students was found to be negative and non-significant, meaning that it had no impact on aspirations of post graduate students.

It was observed that slightly more than half of the fathers’ of post graduate student occupation was service and slightly more than one-third (35.83 per cent) of them were involved in farming, whereas 70.83 per cent mothers’ had no occupation. Thus, there is no much variation in the parents’ occupation further whatsoever, little variation in the present occupation is noticed, that might not have been strong enough to decide the aspiration level of the post graduate students. So also, aspiration being the personal psychological trait of the post graduate students, might not have been remarkably influenced by their parents’ occupation. Rashmi (2005) observed a non-significant relationship between family occupation and aspirations.

6. Family annual income and aspirations

The family annual income operationally included the annual income of both father and mother. The ‘r’ value 0.23 from table 13 revealed that there was positive and significant relationship at 1.00 per cent level of significance between fathers’ annual income and aspirations of the post graduate students, meaning that fathers’ annual income had great impact on aspirations of post graduate students.

The ‘r’ value -0.14 from table 13 revealed that there was negative relationship between mothers’ annual

income and aspirations of post graduate students. It was observed that seven out of ten mothers’ of post graduate students had no occupation and only two out of ten mothers’ were engaged in different services. Hence it can be inferred that the mothers’ annual income had no impact on aspirations of post graduate students. The findings were similar with the study conducted by Saritha (2000).


The findings presented in this paper revealed that the some personal characteristics had significant and some other had non significant relationship. Hence the same type of researches can be taken up by adding some other variables which could really contribute to enhancing of the aspirations of the post graduate students.


  1. Bhanu, V.L. 2006. Study on aspirations of rural youth and their attitude towards rural development activities in Dharwad district of Karnataka, M.Sc.(Ag) Thesis, University of agricultural sciences, Dharwad.
  2. Deshmukh, R.R. 2005. A study of aspirations of higher secondary students attending agriculture as vocational subject agriculture as vocational subject. M.Sc.(Ag) Thesis, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri.
  3. Jadhav, Y.B. 2008. Aspirations of school going and school dropout tribal teenagers from Thane district. M. Sc. (Ag) Thesis, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli.
  4. More, S.S., Kadam, R.P and Hendge, Y.G. 2008. Determinants of aspirations of agricultural college girl students. J. of Soil and Crops. 18(1): 121-124, June. 2008.
  5. Rashmi.S. 2005. A study on aspirations of school going students from fisherman families. M. Sc. (Ag) Thesis, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli.
  6. Saritha, P.C. 2000. Educational interest and aspirations of girl students in agriculture. M.Sc. (Ag) Thesis.