Productivity Of Clusterbean As Influenced By Fertilizer Management In Rainfed Alfisols



Scientist (Agronomy), Agricultural Research Station, Ananthapuram -515 001, Andhra Pradesh


A field experiment was conducted to study fertilizer management in clusterbean in alfisols of Scarce Rainfall Zone under rainfed conditions for three years during kharif, 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 at Agricultural Research Station, Ananthapuramu, Andhra Pradesh. Pooled analysis of data revealed that number of pods per plant, seed yield, gross returns, net returns and B:C ratio was not significantly influenced by different fertilizer management practices. However, the highest mean number of pods per plant was resulted with application of 20 kg K ha-1, seed yield was registered with 20 kg N + 20 kg P + 20 kg K+ 3 kg Bo ha-1. Higher gross returns were realized with 20 kg N + 20 kg P + 20 kg K+ 3 kg Bo ha-1, highest net returns obtained with 20 kg N ha-1 and highest benefit cost ratio was realized with 20 kg N ha-1. Application of 20 kg N ha-1 can be recommended to Scarce Rainfall Zone of Andhra Pradesh of for maximization of profits in clusterbean crop.


Clusterbean, fertilizer management, rainfed alfisols


Clusterbean, popularly known as guar is a kharif legume crop, very drought tolerant, sun-loving but susceptible to frost and requires only 300-400 mm annual rainfall. Recently it has been classified under arid legume group and is grown for vegetable, green fodder, green manure and for grain. The crop survives best even under conditions moderate salinity and alkalinity. Clusterbean tolerates high temperatures and dry conditions and is adapted to arid and semi-arid climates (Undersander et al., 1991). It is a principal source of galactomannan (28-33% guar gum) and has numerous food and industrial uses viz., textiles, paper, petroleum, pharmaceuticals, food processing, cosmetics, mining explosives, oil drilling etc. India is leading producer of cluterbean in the world contributing to around 75–82 per cent of the total production. The consumption pattern of its seed is largely influenced by the demands from the petroleum industries in USA and oil fields in the Middle East. The trend of consumption has also increased in rest of the world that has led to its introduction in many countries. India is a leading exporter of guar gum with 80 per cent of world production, followed by Pakistan. Rajasthan is the largest clusterbean producing states in the world as it dominates the Indian production scenario contributing to 70 per cent of the total production in India followed by Haryana

(12%) and Gujarat (11%). Clusterbean basically grown under arid rainfed conditions and there was huge year to year huge yield fluctuations due to erratic rainfall (Pathak et al., 2009; Singh et al., 2003 and 2005).

Clusterbean responds well to phosphorus rather than nitrogen. As N fixing legume usually require more P than N because P plays a very vital role in the nodule development and their activity (Serraj et al., 2004). In recent years, the continuous application of only N and P led to the deficiency of micronutrients in arid soils. Deficiency of micro nutrients has more detrimental effects on metabolic pathways, enzyme activities, performance of crops and uptake of macronutrients. Zinc application significantly increased the nitrogen activity, carbohydrate and protein content in clusterbean (Nandwal et al., 1990). Potassium also plays a critical role under moisture stress conditions through its influence on maintenance of turgor potential photosynthesis, translocation of photosynthates, starch synthesis and activation of number of enzymes. Vyas et al. (2001) observed increase in seed yield of arid legumes with increasing K levels even under low levels of soil moisture availability. The soil organic matter turnover and fertilizer use efficiency is very low due to moisture scarcity (Garg and Uday Burman, 2011).
After seeing great revenues with the crop during previous years by Rajasthan farmers, farmers in Ananthapuram, Guntur, Kurnool, Karimnagar, Nellore, Prakasam and Ranga Reddy districts of undivided Andhra Pradesh have also started the cultivation of clusterbean for seed in more than 1000 ha (NRAA, 2014). Ananthapuram is the second most drought – affected district of India. It receives around 500 mm rainfall annually. The agriculture is predominantly dependent on rainfall which is very erratic and uncertain. Being located in the Scarce Rainfall Zone of Andhra Pradesh does not get the full benefit of either the south west or north east monsoon. Rainfed agriculture in Anantapuram district is greatly influenced by water shortage caused by low, highly variable and erratic rainfall. As the information on fertilizer management in cluterbean is meagre for Scarce Rainfall Zone of Andhra Pradesh the present study was initiated.


A field experiment was conducted to study fertilizer management in clusterbean in alfisols of scarce rainfall zone of Andhra Pradesh under rainfed conditions for three years during kharif, 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 at Agricultural Research Station, Ananthapuram, Andhra Pradesh. The soil of the experimental site was red sandy loam with shallow depth, low in organic carbon (0.34%) and low in available nitrogen (138 kg ha-1), medium in available phosphorous (28 kg ha-1) and potassium (215 kg ha-1). The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications. The treatments consisted of eleven treatments viz., T1: Control (No N, P and K), T2: 20 kg N ha- 1, T3: 20 kg P ha- 1, T4: 20 kg K ha-1, T5: 20 kg N + 20 kg P ha-1, T6: 20 kg P + 20 kg K ha-1, T7: 20 kg N + 20 kg K ha-1, T8: 20 kg N + 20 kg P ha-1+ 20 kg K ha-1,

T9: T8 + 25 kg Zn SO4 ha-1, T10: T8 + 3 kg Bo ha-1, T11: T8
+ 25 kg Zn SO4 ha-1 + 3 kg Bo ha-1. The experimental field was prepared by working with a tractor drawn disc plough and then tractor drawn cultivator was drawn along the field. The individual plots were laid out according to the layout plan. Healthy seeds of clusterbean (var. RGC 1025) with good germination percent (95%) was used for sowing purpose As per the treatments, N, P2 O5 and K2O was applied at the time of sowing through urea, single super phosphate and muriate of potash respectively. All other cultural practices were kept normal and uniform for all treatments. At harvest, five plants were randomly selected from each treatment for recording growth

parameters such as plant height, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod and test weight. The grain and haulm yield from the net plot (5 m x 5 m) of each treatment was recorded and expressed in kg ha-1. Labour wages and cost of inputs were worked out to compute the cost of cultivation. Gross returns were calculated based on the prices in the local market prices for clusterbean and net returns were worked out by subtracting the total cost of cultivation from gross returns.


Rainfall and crop performance

In 2013- 14, annual rainfall received (431.8 mm) in 23 rainy days was 75.7 per cent of normal annual rainfall (570 mm). During 2013-14, crop was sown on 12-7- 2013 and harvested on 4.10.2013 with crop duration of 85 days. During the crop period 328.4 mm rainfall was received in 11 rainy days (Table 1). In 2014 -15, annual rainfall 375.2 mm received in 26 rainy days it was 65.8 per cent of normal annual rainfall (570 mm). During 2014-15, crop was sown on 16-7-2014 and harvested on 10-10-2014 with 86 days crop duration. During this period 160.6 mm rainfall was received in 10 rainy days. In 2015-16, annual rainfall 641 mm received in 44 rainy days it was 108 per cent of normal annual rainfall (590.6 mm). During 2015-16, crop was sown on 19-6-2015 and harvested on 11-9-2015 with a crop duration of 84 days. During this period 212.6 mm rainfall was received in 14 rainy days. The average seed yield during 2015 was higher by 40 per cent and 25 per cent compared to 2013 and 2014 respectively and was attributed to optimum soil moisture resulted through sufficient rainfall received in 14 rainy days during different phenophases especially during pod initiation to pod development and pod development to maturity whereas in 2013, 267.1 mm rainfall received in 8 rainy days during pod development to maturity resulted in excess moisture in soil profile which hindered pod development resulting in less test weight and seed yield. Higher seed yield during 2015 compared to 2013 and 2014 was also attributed to fairly higher test weight.


The data pertaining to plant height and yield attributes of clusterbean as influenced by fertilizer management practices was presented in Table 2. Plant height of clusterbean measured at harvest was not significantly influenced by different fertilizer management practices during three years of study. However, tallest plants were

noticed with control, application of 20 kg N ha-1 and 20 kg K ha-1 in 2013, 2014 and 2015 respectively. The trend was not similar during three years of experimentation. Pooled analysis of data also indicated that fertilizer management practices had no significant influence on plant height of clusterbean. However, the highest mean plant height was observed with application of 20 kg K ha-1. These results are in agreement with Ayub et al. (2012) who reported that application of P alone could not produced significantly higher plant height over control treatment.

Yield attributes

Different fertilizer management practices had no significant influence on number of pods per plant in 2013 and 2015 where as in 2014 significant variation was noticed (Table 2). The highest number of pods per plant was obtained with control, 20 kg K ha-1 in 2013 and 2015 respectively. Whereas in 2014 highest number of pods per plant was noticed with 20 kg P ha-1 which was significantly comparable with other treatments and superior to control, 20 kg N + 20 kg K ha-1, 20 kg N + 20 kg P + 20 kg K+ 3 kg Bo ha-1 and 20 kg N + 20 kg P + 20 kg K + 25 kg Zn So4+ 3 kg Bo ha-1 treatments. Pooled analysis of data revealed that number of pods per plant was not significantly influenced by different fertilizer management practices. However, the highest mean number of pods per plant was resulted with application of 20 kg K ha-1.

Number of seeds per pod did not varied significantly due to adopted fertilizer management practices during all the three years of investigation. However, the highest number of seeds per pod was recorded with 20 kg N ha-1, 20 kg N + 20 kg P ha-1 and 20 kg N + 20 kg P ha-1 treatments in 2013, 2014 and 2015 respectively. The trend was similar only during second and third year of study. Pooled analysis of data also indicated that fertilizer management practices had no significant influence on number of seeds per pod. However, the highest number of seeds per pod was noticed with 20 kg N + 20 kg P ha-1. These results are contradictory with the findings by Burman et al. (2007) who reported that application of nitrogen (20 kg ha-1) in association with P (20 kg ha-1) significantly enhanced yield attributes of clusterbean under rainfed condition of Jodhpur in a two years study. Raj Singh and Khan (2002) found that application of 20 kg N and 40 kg P ha-1 increased yield attributes of clusterbean under rainfed conditions.

During the three years of study, there was no significant difference in test weight of clusterbean due to different fertilizer management practices. However, the highest test weight was attained with 20 kg N + 20 kg P + 20 kg K + 25 kg Zn SO4 ha-1, 20 kg N + 20 kg K ha-1, 20 kg K ha-1 treatments in 2013, 2014 and 2015 respectively. The trend was not similar during three years of study. Pooled analysis of data also indicated that fertilizer management practices had no significant influence on test weight. However, the highest test weight was obtained with 20 kg N + 20 kg P + 20 kg K + 25 kg Zn SO4 ha-1 .

Seed and haulm yield

Data pertaining to seed yield, haulm yield and economics of clusterbean as influenced by fertilizer management practices is presented in Table 3. Seed yield of clusterbean was not significantly differed due to different fertilizer management practices during all three years of experimentation. However, the highest seed yield was recorded with 20 kg N + 20 kg P + 20 kg K+ 3 kg Bo ha-1, 20 kg P ha-1, 20 kg N + 20 kg K ha-1 treatments in 2013, 2014 and 2015 respectively. The trend was not similar during three years of study. Pooled analysis also indicated that mean seed yield was not influenced significantly due to different fertilizer management practices. However, the maximum mean seed yield was registered with 20 kg N + 20 kg P + 20 kg K+ 3 kg Bo ha-1 followed by 20 kg N ha-1 treatment. Raj Singh and Khan (2002) found that application of 20 kg N and 40 kg P ha-1 increased seed yield of clusterbean under rainfed conditions. Burman et al. (2007) found that application of nitrogen (20 kg ha-1) in association with P (20 kg ha-1) significantly enhanced the seed yield of clusterbean under rainfed conditions of Jodhpur in a two years study. The contradictory results might have been due to differences in fertility status of soil. Under moisture stress conditions the plant response to applied fertilizers is frequently reduced (Bradford and Hsiao, 1992). It is agreed that plant response to applied nutrients by rainfed crops is not assured and sometimes may not be profitable unless proper soil moisture is available. However, the degree of yield response varied with rainfall pattern, intensity of drought, native soil fertility and crop species. Application of P was observed to enhance drought tolerance under different intensities of water stress in clusterbean genotypes (Burman et al., 2009). Efficient translocation of accumulated assimilates to the reproductive parts under comfortable nitrogen nutrition might be responsible for

the beneficial effect on elevating the stature of all the yield attributes. Similar results were also reported by Singh and Singh (1989) and Sharma and Nehara (2004). Higher guar yield with application of nitrogen, as noticed in the present investigation confirms the documented evidence of Bamboo and Rana (1995), Patel et al. (2005), Sharma and Nehara (2004) and Rathore et al. (2007). The studies of Vyas et al. (2001) also indicated that seed yield of arid legumes increased with increasing K levels even under low levels of soil moisture availability.

The haulm yield was not significantly varied due to various fertilizer management practices during three years of experimentation. The highest haulm yield was recorded with 20 kg N ha-1, 20 kg N + 20 kg K ha-1, 20 kg N ha-1 treatments in 2013, 2014 and 2015 respectively. Pooled analysis also indicated that there was no significant difference in mean haulm yield due to different fertilizer management practices. Highest mean haulm yield was obtained with 20 kg N ha-1 treatment.


Gross returns, net returns and B:C ratio for different fertilizer management practices were calculated, analyzed statistically and presented in Table 3. During three years of experimentation, gross returns were not significantly influenced by various fertilizer management practices. However, highest gross returns were realized with 20 kg N + 20 kg P + 20 kg K+ 3 kg Bo ha-1, 20 kg P ha-1, 20 kg N + 20 kg K ha-1 treatments in 2013, 2014 and 2015 respectively. Pooled analysis revealed that gross returns were not significantly influenced by various fertilizer management practices. Net returns obtained by different fertilizer management practices were not differed significantly during three years of experimentation. However, higher net returns were obtained with 20 kg N ha-1, 20 kg P ha-1, 20 kg N + 20 kg K ha-1 during 2013, 2014 and 2015 respectively. . Pooled analysis indicated that net returns were not significantly influenced by different fertilizer management practices. Benefit cost ratio was significantly influenced by fertilizer management practices during 2013 and 2014 and significantly comparable during 2015. During year 2013 higher benefit cost ratio was registered with 20 kg N ha-

1 treatment which was significantly on par with 20 kg K ha-1, control, 20 kg N + 20 kg P + 20 kg K + 25 kg Zn SO4+ 3 kg Bo ha-1, 20 kg N + 20 kg P ha-1 treatments and significantly superior to other treatments. During 2014, highest benefit cost ratio was realized with 20 kg N ha-1

treatment which in turn was comparable with control, 20 kg P ha-1, 20 kg K ha-1, 20 kg P + 20 kg K ha-1, 20 kg N + 20 kg K ha-1 and significantly superior to other treatments. During the year 2015 the benefit cost ratio was not significantly influenced by fertilizer management practices. However, the highest benefit cost ratio was obtained with 20 kg N + 20 kg K ha-1. In pooled analysis also, benefit cost ratio was not significantly influenced by various fertilizer management practices. However the highest benefit cost ratio was realized with 20 kg N ha-1 followed by control and 20 kg K ha-1.

From the results, it is concluded that application of 20 kg N ha-1 is recommended for Scarce Rainfall Zone of Andhra Pradesh to obtain higher net returns in clusterbean.


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