Subject Matter Specialist (Hort), KVK, Madanapuram, PJTSAU, Telangana


Effect of chemicals on corm and cormel production in gladiolus cvs. American Beauty and White Prosperity were studied in
herbal garden at College of Horticulture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. The chemicals, Potassium nitrate (KNO3) at 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5
per cent, Salicylic acid (SA) at 50, 100 and 150 ppm, Propyl gallate (PG) at 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 per cent were used on two cultivars. The
corms were dipped in the solutions for a period of 10 hours before planting. Cultivar American beauty treated with Potassium
nitrate at 1.5 per cent recorded highest number of replacement corms per corm (1.45), however with Salicylic acid at 150 ppm it
recorded maximum number of cormels per corm (4.72). Among the chemical treatments, Salicylic acid at 150 ppm recorded maximum
corm size (4.41 cm), corm weight (21.56 g), cormel weight per corm (6.59 g) and highest propagation co-efficient (184.72) with cv.
White Prosperity followed by cv. American Beauty.
KEYWORDS: American Beauty, White Prosperity, Potassium nitrate (KNO3), Salicylic acid (SA) and Propyl gallate (PG)
Date of Receipt: 10-01-2017 Date of Acceptance: 02-03-2017


Gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus L.) is a bulbous
cut flower of beauty and perfection. It is popularly known
as ‘Queen of the bulbous flowers’ because of attractive
spikes, having florets of different colours with long keeping
quality. Gladiolus is very popular for its wide open, good
texture, impressive coloured spikes which are of great
demand in both domestic and international market. It is
commercially propagated by corms. Poor multiplication
rate and presence of corm dormancy for 3 to 4 months
restricts their immediate use in the following season,
resulting in high cost of corms which is often higher than
the sale price of flower spike produced by the corm. The
profitability of gladiolus flower spike production and export
is closely linked to the cost of corms. Effective chemical
treatments are to be standardized for this purpose
irrespective of the cultivar, location and environment
(Kumar and Raju, 2007). Synthetic growth regulating
chemicals were reported to be very effective in
manipulating the growth, flowering, corm and cormel
production in gladiolus. Favourable effect of chemicals
on sprouting, growth, flowering, corm and cormel
multiplication in gladiolus has been reported by Roy
Choudary et al. (1985).
MATERIALS AND METHODSThe present study on the effect of chemicals on corm
and cormel production in gladiolus cvs. American Beauty
and White Prosperity was studied in herbal garden at
College of Horticulture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. The
chemical treatments, Potassium nitrate (KNO3
) at 0.5,
1.0 and 1.5 per cent, Salicylic acid (SA) at 50, 100 and
150 ppm, Propyl gallate (PG) at 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 per cent
were treated on two cultivars. The corms scales were
removed before dipping in the solutions for a period of 10
hours before planting. The treatments were replicated
thrice in randomized block design with factorial concept.
The data was analyzed using computer software
programmed by the method of variance outlined by Panse
and Sukhatme (1985). Propagation co-efficient (%) is
defined as the ratio of the total weight of corm(s) and
cormels produced and the weight of corm planted and
multiplied by 100 to express in percentage (Rajivkumar et
al., 2002).
Results obtained from the present study indicated
that, the two cultivars differed significantly in respect of
number, size and weight of corms and cormels produced
per corm due to chemical treatments. Cv. American
Beauty recorded maximum number of replacement corms
(1.13) and number of cormels per corm (3.87) compared
to cv. White Prosperity (Table 1 and 2). The variation in
production of number of replacement corms and cormels
per corm might be due to variation in number of buds
sprouted per corm, which might have been governed by
the presence of number of active buds in the corms.
Variation in cultivars on individual gladiolus corm
characteristics was earlier reported by several workers
(Prasad et al., 2002; Uma devi, 2002 and Kumar et al.,
Number of replacement corms and cormels per corm
in gladiolus cultivars differed significantly due to chemical
treatments. Potassium nitrate in all the concentrations
recorded maximum number of replacement corms followed
by salicylic acid. The chemical treatment Potassium nitrate
at 1.5 per cent recorded highest number of replacement
corms (1.32) (Table 1) where as Salicylic acid at 150 ppm
recorded maximum number of cormels per corm (4.63)
(Table 2). Lowest number of replacement corms per corm
(0.81) and cormels per corm (3.39) was recorded with
Propyl gallate at 1.5 per cent. Potassium nitrate and
salicylic acid increased the number of corms and cormels
produced per corm (Table 1 & 2) significantly over control.
In gladiolus besides photosynthesizing leaves, the corms
used for planting also serve as source of reserve food in
the early stages of sprouting and establishment of
developing plant. Likewise, it has two competitive sinks,
inflorescence or flower spike and developing corm/cormels
and application of Potassium nitrate and salicylic acid
increased the sink activity of both. Increase in corm and
cormel production by Potassium nitrate and Salicylic acid
treatments may be attributed to their ability to alter the
hormonal balance in the corms and cormels resulting in
increased ratio of promoters versus inhibitors. This
alteration in hormonal balance maintains sink activity of
corms and cormels which resulted in production of more
number of replacement corms and cormels per corm.
Similar results were also reported by Kumar (2005) in
gladiolus cvs. Jyotsna and Shabnum.
Cultivar White Prosperity recorded significantly
maximum corm diameter and weight over cv. American
Beauty. The replacement corm size (3.83 cm), weight
(19.00 g) and cormels weight per corm (4.35 g) was
significantly high with the cultivar White Prosperity over
cv. American beauty (Table 1 and 2).
The chemical treatments were also effective in
improving the individual corm characteristics. Salicylic acid
at 150 ppm recorded maximum replacement corm size
(4.35 cm), weight (21.44 g) and weight of cormels per
corm (6.43 g). Lowest replacement corm size (3.31 cm)
was observed with Potassium nitrate at 0.5 per cent,
however Propyl gallate at 1.5 % recorded lowest
replacement corm weight (17.09 g) and cormels weight
per corm (2.96 g). Potassium nitrate and Salicylic acid at
higher concentrations recorded maximum vegetative
growth over the lower concentrations studied. Whereas
Propyl gallate at lower concentrations recorded maximum
vegetative growth over higher concentrations studied.
Potassium nitrate and Salicylic acid stimulates alternate
oxidase and in turn promotes alternate respiration (Chen
and Klersig, 1991) thereby they improved the vegetative
growth. These treatments were consistent and equally
effective in increasing the leaf area almost during the
entire crop growth period. The increase in leaf area and
increased assimilate synthesis, might have contributed to
increased number, size and weight of replacement corms
and cormels by these treatments. Propyl gallate, an
inhibitor of alternate respiration and ethylene biosynthesis
(Krishnamoorthy, 1993) recorded in maximum number of
days for sprouting of corms and lowest sprouting
percentage resulted in low vegetative growth. Due to
inhibitory action of Propyl gallate, higher concentrations
might have suppressed plant growth and effects number,
size and weight of replacement corms and cormels. Similar
results were also reported by Kumar (2005) in gladiolus
cvs. Jyotsna and Shabnum.There was no significant difference between the
cultivars on propagation co-efficient. Salicylic acid at 150
ppm recorded maximum propagation co-efficient (182.22)
whereas Propyl gallate at 1.5 per cent recorded minimum
propagation co-efficient (93.45).
Chen, Z and Klersig, D.F. 1991. Identification of soluble
salicylic acid binding protein that may function in
signal transduction in the plant disease resistant
response. Proceedings of National Academy of
Science. 88: 8179-8183
Krishnamoorthy, H.N. 1993. Physiology of Plant growth
and development. Atma Ram and Sons, Delhi. Pp. 12.
Kumar, P.N and Raju, D.V.S. 2007. Dormancy in
Gladiolus: the cause and remedy – a review.
Agricultural Review. 28 (4): 309-312.
Kumar, P.N., Reddy, Y.N and Chandrashekar, R. 2007.
Flower induction in gladiolus cormels by application
of chemicals. Journal of Ornamental Horticulture.
9 (3):174-178
Kumar, 2005. Studies on the effect of different chemicals
on corm multiplication, dormancy breaking and
flower induction in gladiolus (Gladiolus
grandiflorus L.). Ph.D. (Hort) Thesis submitted
to Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University,
Hyderabad, A.P.
Panse, V.G. and Sukhatame, P.V. 1985. Statistical Methods
for Agricultural Workers. ICAR, New Delhi.
Prasad, A., Kumar, R., Arya, S and Saxena, K. 2002.
Varietal response of gladiolus corms to GA3 dippings.
Journal of Ornamental Horticulture New Series.
5(1): 69-70.
Rajivkumar, Dubey, R.K and Misra, R.L. 2002. Effect of
on growth, flowering and corm production of
gladiolus. In: Floriculture Research Trend in India,
Misra R L and Sanyat Misra (eds.). Indian Society of
Ornamental Horticulture, IARI, New Delhi p. 12-15.
Roy choudhury, Biswas, N.J., Dhula R and Mitra, S.K.
1985. Effect of chemicals on germination, growth,
flowering and corm yield of gladiolus. Indian
Agriculturist. 29 : 215-217.
Umadevi, 2002. Effect of growth regulators application
at three stages of crop growth on production of
flowers, propagules and vase life of cut spikes in
three cultivars of gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus
L.). M.Sc. (Hort) Thesis submitted to Acharya N.
G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad, A.P.
ARS, Utukur, ANGRAU, Kadapa Dist., A.P.
Holotrichia reynaudi Blanchard is one of the predominant species of root grub in groundnut ecosystem of Rayalaseema
region, Andhra Pradesh. Two field experiments were conducted at the research farm of Agricultural Research Station, Utukur,
Kadapa during kharif, 2014 and 2015 to estimate the damage caused by root grub, H. reynadui in groundnut under three different
dates of sowing. The studies revealed that, in June IInd FN sown crop, the average per cent plant mortality per m2, number of grubs
per m2 in unprotected and protected plots were 23.36 per cent, 2.23 grubs m-2 and 6.20 per cent, 0.39 grubs m-2 respectively. In July
Ist FN sown crop, they were 21.20 per cent, 2.08 grubs m-2 and 5.41 per cent, 0.37 grubs m-2 and in July IInd FN sown crop they were
20.46 per cent, 1.95 grubs m-2 and 5.14 per cent, 0.34 grubs m-2 respectively. The pod yield in June IInd FN sown unprotected and
protected plot were 1063.50 kg ha-1 and 1680.50 kg ha-1, in July Ist FN sown it was 1148.50 kg ha-1 and 1745 kg ha-1 and in July IInd
FN sown it was 1175 kg ha-1 and 1771kg ha-1. In June IInd FN sown crop the per cent loss in yield was higher (36.74%) followed by
July Ist FN sown plot (34.19%) and July IInd FN sown plot (33.65%).
KEYWORDS: Holotrichia reynaudi, plant mortality, assessment of loss, damage, groundnut.
Date of Receipt: 03-12-2016 Date of Acceptance: 02-02-2017
Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a principal
oilseed crop of India. In Andhra Pradesh, it is cultivated
in an area of 8.72 lakh ha, out of which 95 per cent of
area belongs to Rayalaseema region (adpdes.ap.gov.in).
Groundnut crop is known to be infested by more than 360
species of insect pests in different parts of the world
(Wightman and Amin, 1988). The insects that live in the soil
of groundnut fields are responsible for higher levels of yield
loss than foliage feeders. Soil insects are difficult to manage
because farmers usually do not know that they are present
until plants die (or) until the crop is harvested. One of the
most important soil pests affecting groundnut is root grub.
The root grubs or white grubs belonging to the family
Scarabaeidae are some of the diverse and devastating
pests of several crops and assumed national importance
due to high per cent yield losses (Sreedevi and Tyagi, 2015).
Root grubs are universally known as May beetles, June
beetles or cockchafers because adults become active
during the month of May/June with the onset of monsoon
, once active, adults fly to trees at dusk for feeding and
mating, female subsequently lay eggs in the soil. Groundnut
planting in Rayalaseema region mostly coincides with the
onset of monsoon. The root grubs cause damage by
feeding on the roots and underground parts of the plant
from one to several inches below the soil surface. The
plant turns yellow and wilts resulting in patchy growth in
fields. Affected plants when pulled shows feeding
symptoms i.e., cut ends of the roots.
The root grub causes damage to other agricultural
crops such as sugarcane, pearl millet, sorghum, maize,
pea, potato etc. (Vasanth et al., 2014). In endemic areas,
the damage to groundnut ranges from 20-100 per cent.
The presence of one grub/m2
can cause 80-100 per cent
mortality (Yadava and Sharma, 1995), damage upto 39.40
per cent (Umeh et al., 1999) and 12-60 per cent (Pokhrel,
2004). About 80,000 ha of groundnut has been reported
to be affected by white grubs in Andhra Pradesh
(Wightman, 1995). Though a lot of work has been done
on biology, ecobiology and management of white grubs in
groundnut ecosystem, not much attention is paid on the
estimation of damage caused by root grubs in groundnut
ecosystem of Andhra Pradesh. Hence an attempt was
made to know the extent of damage caused by root grub,
H. reynaudi in groundnut.
The crop (variety Dharani) was sown on three dates
i.e., June IInd FN, July Ist and IInd FN during kharif, 2014
and 2015 with two treatments protected and unprotected.
In protected plot, seeds were treated with chlorpyriphos
20 EC @ 6 ml/kg seed 12 hours before sowing. No seed
treatment was done in unprotected plot. Data was recorded
on per cent plant mortality, larval incidence per m2
on 10
randomly selected spots at 30, 50, 70 and 90 days after
sowing. Pod yield in each plot was recorded after harvest.
Per cent yield loss was calculated with the pod yield
parameters of protected and unprotected treatments. Per
cent plant mortality and per cent yield loss was calculated
as under
Per cent plant mortality =
Number of dead plants due to white grubs / m 100
Toal number of plants / m
Per cent yield loss =
Pod yield in unprotected plot 100
Pod yield in protected plot
In June IInd FN sown crop, per cent plant mortality
increased from 30 to 90 DAS, while in July Ist and IInd FN
sown per cent plant mortality increased from 30 to 50
DAS and decreased from 50 to 90 DAS. In June IInd FN
sown crop the pooled average per cent plant mortality m2
, number of grubs m-2 in unprotected and protected plots
were 23.36 per cent, 2.23 grubs m-2 and 6.20 per cent,
0.39 grubs m-2. Whereas in July Ist FN sown crop, they
were 21.20 per cent, 2.08 grubs m-2 and 5.41 per cent,
0.37 grubs m-2 and in July IInd FN sown crop they were
20.46 per cent, 1.95 grubs m-2 and 5.14 per cent, 0.34
grubs m-2. Pooled highest per cent plant mortality m-2 due
to root grub was observed in unprotected plots of June
IInd FN sown crop (23.36%) followed by July Ist FN sown
crop (21.20%) and July IInd FN sown crop (20.46%).
Highest protection over unprotected plot (74.87%) was
observed in July IInd FN sown crop followed by July Ist
FN sown crop (74.48%) and June IInd FN sown crop
The pooled pod yield in June IInd FN sown unprotected
and protected plot was 1063.50 kg ha-1 and 1680.50 kg
ha-1, in July Ist FN sown it was 1148.50 kg ha-1 and 1745
kg ha-1 and in July IInd FN sown it was 1175 kg ha-1 and
1771 kg ha-1. Highest pod yield in protected plots was
recorded in July IInd FN sown crop (1771 kg ha-1) followed
by July Ist FN sown crop (1745 kg ha-1) and June IInd FN
sown crop (1680.50 kg ha-1). In June IInd FN sown crop
highest pooled per cent plant mortality was observed hence
the pod yield might have decreased in unprotected plot
(Table 2).In June IInd FN sown crop the per cent loss in yield
was 36.74 per cent followed by July Ist FN sown plot
(34.19%) and July IInd FN sown plot (33.65%). The
present results are in close agreement with those of Umesh
et al. (1999) who reported that white grub cause damage
in groundnut upto 39.40 per cent. Hussain (1974) also
reported that the grubs of Holotrichia reynaudi feed on
roots of groundnut and cause damage upto 70 per cent.
Adsule and Patil (1990) reported the losses caused by
white grub to the extent of 25 to 100 per cent in sugarcane,
paddy, maize, groundnut, potato, vegetables and other crops.