Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, S.V. Agricultural College, Tirupati – 517 502, Chittoor Dt., Andhra Pradesh
The present investigation was conducted to study the interrelationship in F3 generation of three crosses, MGG-347 x MGG-351, MGG-351 x LGG-460 and LGG-460 x LGG-528 of green gram. In all the crosses, plant height, cluster per plant, pods per plant, pods per cluster, seeds per pod, harvest index and pod yield showed significant positive association with seed yield. Hence improvement in seed yield is possible by considering above characters as criteria in selection scheme in these crosses.
Greengram, SPAD Chlorophyll meter reading (SCMR), F3
Green gram (Vigna radiata (L). Wilczek) popularly known as mung bean is the third important legume after chickpea and pigeon pea. It is a self-pollinating, short duration legume that belongs to family Fabaceae with a chromosome number of 2n=22. It is mainly grown for its seeds which are used as whole or splits (dhal). In India, green gram is cultivated in an area of 30.19 lakh hectares with a production of 15.03 lakh tonnes and average productivity of 498 kg ha-1. In Andhra Pradesh, it is cultivated in 1.71 lakh hectares with a production of 1.41 lakh tonnes and with a productivity of 825 kg ha-1(India stat, 2014-2015). The major constraints of green gram production are cultivation under low rainfall condition, low fertile lands, frequent dry spells, poor availability of quality seeds, lack of improved varieties and narrow genetic base. Enhancement of green gram productivity is the quintessential need of the country to obtain increased production of mung bean. Hence, there is a need for genetic improvement in mung bean to increase its yield potential several genetic improvement methods have been employed. Correlation coefficients reveal magnitude and direction of association of yield components. With these objectives, the present investigation was undertaken for the genetic improvement of green gram.
The present investigation was carried out at dry land farm of Sri Venkateswara Agricultural College, Tirupati. The experimental material consisted of four parents viz., MGG-347, MGG-351, LGG-460 and LGG-528 and three
F3 populations of the crosses, MGG-347 x MGG-351, MGG-351 x LGG-460 and LGG-460 x LGG-528. The experiment was laid out in a compact family block design with three replications during kharif, 2016. Each cross along with its parents constitutes a family. The F3 populations were grown in 25 rows of 2.5m length and parents in single rows of 2.5m length. The parents and the F3 populations were sown following a spacing of 30cm between the rows and 10cm between the plants within a row. Fifteen plants in each rows were tagged randomly for recording the observations. Data were recorded for yield, harvest index and water use efficiency related traits viz., plant height, primary branches per plant, clusters per plant, pods per cluster, pods per plant, pod length, seeds per pod, hundred seed weight, SLA after 35 DAS and 50 DAS, SPAD chlorophyll meter reading (SCMR) after 35 DAS and 50 DAS, harvest index, pod yield and seed yield per plant. Phenotypic correlation coefficients were estimaetd as per Johnson et al. (1995). The data thus generated were subjected to statistical analysis for the objectives under consideration.
The correlation coefficient provides a measure of the relationship between traits and serves to assess the chance for mutual improvement of two traits by common selection. In the cross MGG-347 x MGG-351, seed yield showed positive significant association with plant height, clusters per plant, pods per plant, pods per cluster, pod length, seeds per pod, harvest index and pod yield (Table 1). In the cross MGG-351 x LGG-460, seed yield showed positive significant correlation with plant height, primary
branches per plant, clusters per plant, pods per plant, pods per cluster, pod length, seeds per pod, hundred seed weight, harvest index and pod yield (Table 2). In the cross LGG-460 x LGG-528, plant height, primary branches per plant, clusters per plant, pods per plant, pods per cluster, seeds per pod, harvest index and pod yield showed positive association with seed yield (Table 3). These results are in accordance with the results of Anand et al. (2016) for pods per plant and clusters per plant; Mallikarjuna et al. (2006) and Muralidhar et al. (2016) for plant height, clusters per plant, pods per plant, pods per cluster and pod yield per plant; Zaid et al. (2012) and Hemanth et al. (2014) for plant height, number of primary branches, pods per plant, pod length and seed per pod.
In the present correlation study seed yield showed significant positive association with plant height, cluster per plant, pods per plant, pods per cluster, seeds per pod, harvest index and pod yield in all the three crosses; pod length in two crosses MGG-347 x MGG-351 and MGG-351 x LGG-460; primary branches per plant in two crosses MGG-351 x LGG-460 and LGG-460 x LGG-528. So improvement in seed yield is possible by taking above characters as criteria in selection scheme in these crosses. SLA after 35 DAS, SLA after 50 DAS and SCMR after 35 DAS did not exhibit significant correlation with any of the characters in all the three crosses.