Department of Entomology, S.V. Agricultural College, ANGRAU, Tirupati-517 502.
A roving survey was carried out in castor cultivating areas of Ananthapuramu district during kharif, 2023 to know the
incidence of sucking pests. From the selected district, different mandals, viz., Kanekal, Belguppa, Atmakur, Narpala, Uravakonda, Ananthapuramu, Bukkarayasamudram and Kalyandurgam were surveyed randomly for the incidence of sucking pests at two stages of crop growth period during kharif, 2023 at vegetative stage and at spike formation stage of the castor. Results revealed that at vegetative stage leafhopper and whitefly population were more compared to thrips, and thrips population was more during spike formation stage. The highest mean leafhopper population was recorded in Atmakur (28.6) followed by Bukkarayasamudram (27.5), Belguppa (26.72), Narpala (24.52), Kanekal (24.50), Ananthapuramu (23.06), Kalyandurgam (21.7) and Uravakonda (21.00) respectively. Highest mean thrips population was observed in Belguppa (9.72) followed by Narpala (8.20), Atmaku (8.00), Ananthapuramu (7.06), Uravakonda (7.20), Kanekal (7.40), Bukkarayasamudram (7.2) and Kalyandurgam (5.9). Highest white fly mean population was recorded in Bukkarayasamudram (38.5) followed by Atmakur (38.6), Kalyandurgam (33.00), Kanekal (31.00), Narpala (29.5), Uravakonda (27.06), Belguppa (26.72) and Ananthapuramu (22.06).
KEYWORDS: Castor, Leafhopper, Sucking pest, Thrips, Whitefly.