Photothermal Indices of Super Early and Mid Early Pigeonpea (Cajanus Cajan (L.) Millsp) Genotypes Under Delayed Kharif Sowing



Ten genotypes of pigeonpea viz., ICPL 20338, ICPL 11255, ICPL 20325, ICPL 88039 (super early genotypes) and AKTE 12-04, WRG 121, TRG 111, KRG 33, WRG 93, PRG 176 (mid early genotypes) were grown on the sandy loam soils of dryland farm, S.V. Agricultural College, ANGRAU, Tirupati in late kharif, 2019-20. The pigeonpea genotypes were sown on 24th August,2019. Photothermal indices accumulated for different phenological events viz., days to initiation of flowering, 50 per cent flowering and maturity were carried out. The accumulation of GDD, PTU, HTU were higher in AKTE 12-04 during days to initiation of flowering and maturity whereas during days to 50% flowering, WRG 93 accumulated highest. HUE was higher in ICPL 20325 and was on par with WRG 121. Though they matured earlier, the accumulated dry matter was more during 50% flowering to maturity. This showed the significant differences in using the heat available to the plants.


Pigeonpea Growing Degree Days (GDD), Photo Thermal Units (PTU), Helio Thermal Units (HTU) and Heat
Use Efficiency (HUE)