Department of Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, S.V. Agricultural College, Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University, Tirupati-517502, India
Mango is the most important fruit covering about 35 per cent of area and accounting of 22 per cent total production of total fruits in India, which is highest in the world with India’s share of about 49.62 per cent, is severely affected by mango anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides a devastating disease responsible for 30 – 60 per cent post harvest losses. Out of 276 (bacteria – 247 + fungi – 29) leaf endophytes screened against the aggressive pathogen, the potential endophytic bacteria were cloned and identified. Further, the talc based formulations of novel bacteria were developed to control the anthracnose disease and also to minimize the risk in use of fungicides. As a part of common practice, the formulations/fungicides are applied prior to the infection and during the favourable environmental conditions, the fungus which is in dormant state becomes active and cause disease symptoms. As the environmental conditions and geographical factors plays a major role, it is necessary to understand the favourable temperature for the growth of the fungus in order to recommend the scheduled spray time to the farmers. In the present study, an investigation into the significance of temperature with respect to pathogen growth (sporulation) was studied using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with Post hoc test using advanced statistical software SAS Ver. 9.2. The research findings concluded that the temperature between 25°C – 3 0°C was most favourable for the growth of the C. gloeosporioides and also revealed that there is a significant difference between three temperature conditions of radial growth, growth rate and sporulation (p < 0.0001). These findings help in allowing the farmers to take suitable measures in order to control the anthracnose disease and fetch more income.
Mango; anthracnose disease; temperature; SAS.