Economic Analysis of Production of Sweet Orange in Anantapuramu District of Andhra Pradesh



P.G. Scholar, Department of Agricultural Economics, S.V Agricultural College, ANGRAU, Tirupati


The present study aims at examining the economic viability of sweet orange in Anantapuramu district of Andhra Pradesh. Forty sweet orange farmers constituted the sample for the study. Data collected from primary sources have been analyzed with the set objectives using appropriate techniques. Average establishment cost was worked out to be ` 326479 per hectare of sweet orange. The gross returns per hectare of sweet orange has been worked out to be ` 1479465 during 5 to 10 years age, ` 4001250 (11 to 20 years age) and ` 3072630 (21 to 30 years age). The farmers were receiving a net income of ` 22487.66 through inter crops during pre bearing period. Even after taking the returns from intercrops, the farmer has to bear a loss of ` 303991.34 during pre bearing period. The net returns obtained were ` 1024650 during 5 to 10 years age to ` 3237878 (11 to 20 years) and

` 2294163 ( 21 to 30 years age). The net present value, benefit-cost ratio and internal rate of return were ` 2,192, 536.87, 3.04 and

23.6 per cent. The findings of the study show that sweet orange was a profitable and promising enterprise for the driest district of Andhra Pradesh state. There was a greater scope for setting up of processing industry for sweet orange which helps to the growers to realize better price for their produce, which also generates employment. Given the fruit product diversity, that also spreads in terms of production across seasons, the farmers may be encouraged to form producer’s societies on a co-operative basis to market their produce and also realize higher value for their produce.

KEYWORDS: Sweet orange, Establishment costs, Discounted measures and Economic Analysis.