Department of Agricultural Extension, S.V. Agricultural College, ANGRAU, Tirupati
Agriculture is impracticable without the involvement of women. Farm women dominate the work force in agriculture and participate in most of the farm operations. In addition to farm activities, women also involve in copious works at home. Farm women face many constraints in due process of bearing the dual responsibilities at farm and home. In this study, various socio- personal, economic and technological constraints perceived by farm women in Telangana state were analysed and were ranked based on the descending order of the frequencies obtained for each constraint. Study revealed that 23 constraints out of the 34 constraints were ranked as major constraints by more than fifty per cent of farm women respondents in the study area. Seven suggestions were expressed by majority of farm women out of the 10 suggestions given by them to overcome their constraints.
KEYWORDS: Agriculture, Economic constraints, Farm women, Socio-personal constraints, Technological constraints