Assessment of Seasonal Variations in the Physico-Chemical Composition of Sewage Irrigation Water Around Pathakadapa Area of Ysr District, Andhra Pradesh



An investigation was carried out during 2019-2020 to characterize and study the seasonal changes in the composition of sewage water used for irrigating rice fields in Pathakadapa area of YSR district. Results depicted certain seasonal variations in physico-chemical characteristics of sewage water. Effluents collected in different time intervals were dark in colour with appreciable quantities of suspended and dissolved solids with high values of BOD and COD. The sewage effluent had alkaline pH and high EC with appreciable quantities of Cl-1, SO4 2-, CO3
2-, HCO3-, Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ and variable amounts of heavy metals. A marked seasonal variation in composition of sewage water was observed and further, with distance from the source the constituents
were decreased in all the directions. Sewage water registered heavy metals Cu, Mn, Cd, Pb and Ag more than the permissible limits of FAO (1985).


Sewage water, effluents, characterization, seasonal variations, heavy metals

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