A Study On The Effect Of Heavy Metals On Sds-page Protein Profiles Of Spirulina Platensis



Department of Biochemistry, Krishna Teja College, Tirupati – 517 502. Chittoor Dt., Andhra Pradesh


Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS PAGE) analyses of the total protein profile of Spirulina platensis was studied to know the effect of heavy metals Silver and Chromium. The excitation spectra of heavy metal treated cells showed the changes in chromophore protein interaction of various PBPs due to the shift in peak position. Further studies by SDS-PAGE revealed that the heavy metal treatment with either of Cr and Ag caused the decrease in the B subunit of PC and the loss of 41, 34 kDa linker polypeptides. Between these two heavy metals, Ag is responsible for the loss of above polypeptides in large extent than that of Cr. In addition, an additional polypeptide at 27 kDa was noticed which could be degratory product of high molecular weight containing 41 kDa. However, the isolated PBsomes from Cr and Ag pretreated cells exhibited the charac-teristic blue shift in the peak position of absorption and emission and the decrease of PC fluorescence emission intensity and loss of 22 kDa as observed in earlier with heavy metal treated intact cells. The study clearly indicated that upon incubation of intact cells with Cr or Ag the PC of PBsomes gets irreversibly altered such that the changes of PBsomes even persist after the isolation of PBsomes from heavy metal treated samples.


Spirulina platensis, silver, chromium, SDS page.