Institute of Agribusiness Management, S.V. Agricultural College, ANGRAU, Tirupati-517502.
The present study entitled “farmers awareness towards different Bt-cotton brands in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh” was undertaken mainly to study about the aspects of farmer buying behaviour towards Bt cotton seed. India is 3rd largest producer of cotton with area under cotton crop is 134.77 lakh ha, were as Andhra Pradesh account for 6.57 lakh ha, in A.P., Guntur stands first in terms of production with 9.86 lakh bales and second in terms of area under cultivation with 1,82,000 ha. Guntur district was purposively selected for the study and the top two mandals were chosen which has maximum area and production under cultivation of cotton crop and two villages from each was selected with a sample size of 100 farmers. The selected villages were Gudipudi, Dhulipalla, Mandadi and Veldurithi. There is always a positive relationship between education and awareness of a product. Through Chi square analysis, it was observed that there is a strong association between education of farmers and awareness, also revealed that there is no association between age, income, land holding size with brand awareness. Most of the farmers i.e. 60.26 per cent depended up on the fellow farmers and relatives to select the BT cotton brands, most of the farmers buy the seed from dealers with credit option. Seed regulation authorities should increase the vigilance and ensure the quality of the seed thoroughly before seed certification. Private companies should follow the good CRM to create the more awareness among the rural people.
KEYWORDS: Buying behaviour, awareness level, CRM (customer relationship management), Bt cotton.