Department of Agronomy, ARS, Annigeri, Karnataka, India
A field experiment was conducted at Agriculture Research Station, Annigeri, UAS, Dharwad during kharif and rabi seasons of 2014-15 under rainfed condition. The experiment was laid out in a split-split plot design with 18 treatment combinations replicated thrice. Main plots consisted of three treatments, greengram for green manuring and greengram as a dual purpose both grown during kharif and one fallow. Succeeding safflower was sown during rabi season with two spacing’s of 45 cm × 20 cm and 60 cm × 30 cm as sub plots and three nitrogen levels 20, 30 and 40 kg N ha-1 as sub sub plots. The available N in soil showed positive improvement over initial status after the harvest of safflower. Among the green manure treatments, GM1 recorded highest soil N content in 0-15 cm and 15-30 cm (245.15 kg ha-1 and 249.27 kg ha-1, respectively), as compared to rest of the green manure treatments GM2 (233.24 kg ha-1 and 237.43 kg ha-1, respectively) and GM1 (224.04 kg ha-1 and 228.01 kg ha-1, respectively), at the time of safflower harvest.
Green Manuring, Dual Purpose, Nutrients, Uptake, Greengram and Safflower