P.V. RAMESH BABU*, Ch. PULLA RAO, R. VEERARAGHAVAIAH, M. SRINIVAS REDDY, U. VIJAYA BHASKAR REDDY AND G. VIJAY KUMAR Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, Agricultural College, Mahanandi ABSTRACT Field experiments were conducted on sandy clay loam soils of Agricultural College Farm, Bapatla during 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 to study the production potential and economics of maize […]
C.V. KARUNAKARA REDDY, Y. REDDI RAMU*, G. KRISHNA REDDY, P. SUDHAKAR AND G. PRABHAKARA REDDY Department of Agronomy, S.V. Agricultural College, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh – 517 502 ABSTRACT A field experiment was conducted during rabi, 2013 at dryland Farm of S.V Agricultural College, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, to identify the optimum sowing time and dose of […]
SURYA PRAKASH MISHRA, Y. REDDI RAMU*, D. SUBRAMANYAM, V. UMAMAHESH, R. REDDI MANOJA AND G. PRABHAKAR REDDY Department of Agronomy, S.V. Agricultural College, Tirupati-517502, A.P. ABSTRACT A field experiment was conducted during kharif, 2014 at dryland farm of S. V. Agricultural College, Tirupati to study the effects of integrated weed management on growth and yield […]
A.P. SADANA*, S. SRINIVASA RAJU, P. VINOD KUMAR AND Ch. SUNITHA Horticultural College, Venkataramannagudem, Dr YSR Horticultural University, VR Gudem, West Godavari Dist., A.P. ABSTRACT An the experiment was conducted during Rabi 2009-10 at Akola to study the effect of spacing and seed soaking with GA3 on growth, yield and quality of radish (Raphanus sativus […]
M.V. REKHA, S. KIRAN KUMAR, S. ASHOK, S. ALUR, M.S. NAGARAJA* AND R. SUMA Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, University of Horticultural Sciences,Bagalkot – 587 104, Karnataka, India ABSTRACT Micronutrient availability is very sensitive to changes in soil environment as influenced by water and nutrient management practices. Surface soil samples representing, areas irrigated […]
B. KRANTHI KUMARI*, S.V. PRASAD, P.V. SATHYA GOPAL AND G. MOHAN Department of Agricultural Extension, S.V. Agricultural College, Tirupati-517 502 ABSTRACT The present study determines the constraints faced by the farmers in adaptability measures to climate variability and suggestions expressed by the farmers to overcome the same in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh, India. A […]
N. SRIVIDYA RANI*, T. LAKSHMI, S.V. PRASAD AND G. MOHAN NAIDU Department of Agricultural Extension, S.V. Agricultural College, Tirupati – 517 502. ABSTRACT The study was conducted in the year 2013 by using Ex-post facto research design in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh with a sample of 120 randomly selected farm women, which revealed that […]
P. SWATHI, A.V. NAGAVANI*, N. SUNITHA, J.V. RAMANA AND G. PRABHAKARA REDDY Department of Agronomy, S V Agricultural College, Tirupati 517502, Andhra Pradesh ABSTRACT A field experiment was conducted during kharif, 2013 to study the effect of different nitrogen levels and time of harvesting on yield and quality of fodder sorghum. The experiment was laid […]
R. THANUSHA*, D.M. REDDY, K.H.P. REDDY, V. RAJA RAJESWARI AND Y. AMARAVATHI Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, S.V. Agricultural College, Tirupati 517502, A.P. ABSTRACT An experiment to know the nature and magnitude of association among various yield and drought related traits and their contribution towards seed yield was carried out with thirty five mungbean […]
V. SRILATHA*, Y.T.N. REDDY AND P. KARTHIK REDDY University of Horticultural Sciences, GKVK Campus, Bengaluru-65 ABSTRACT A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of pruning (current or previous season’s vegetative growth) and paclobutrazol (PBZ) @ 3 ml m-1 canopy diameter on the fruit yield and fruit quality of mango cvs. Raspuri, Dashehari and Amrapali […]