Department of Agronomy, S.V. Agricultural College, ANGRAU, Tirupati 517502
A field experiment was conducted at S.V. Agricultural College Farm, Tirupati, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Andhra Pradesh, India during kharif season of 2020 to analyze the yield, nutrient uptake and post-harvest soil available nutrient status of browntop millet under varied plant geometry and nitrogen levels. The treatments include three plant geometry viz., P1 (30 cm × 20 cm), P2 (45 cm × 20 cm) and P3 (60 cm × 20 cm) and four nitrogen levels, viz., 20 kg N ha-1 (N1), 40 kg N ha-1 (N2), 60 kg N ha-1 (N3) and 80 kg N ha-1 (N4). Plant geometry P2 resulted in significantly highest grain yield but it was statistically on par with P3 and significantly superior straw yield was recorded with P1 plant geometry.[ Uptake of higher nitrogen and potassium was recorded with P2 and P1 plant geometry respectively with no significant disparity among P1, P2 and P3, while phosphorus uptake was recorded higher with P3 plant geometry which was on par with P2. Significantly lower amount of post harvest soil available nutrients were observed in P3 plant geometry which was on par with P2. Among the nitrogen levels tested, application of 60 kg N ha-1 produced higher grain yield which was on par with application of 80 kg N ha-1, higher straw yield and nutrient uptake was recorded with 80 kg N ha-1 but it was statistically comparable with 60 kg N ha-1.]
KEYWORDS: Browntop millet, nutrient uptake, plant geometry, nitrogen levels and post-harvest soil available nutrients.