Biology And Morphometris Of Cigarette Beetle, Lasioderma Serricorne (fab.) On Fennel And Coriander



Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, S.V. Agricultural College, ANGRAU, Tirupati-517 502, Chittoor Dt., A.P.


Investigations were carried out on “Biology and morphometrics of Lasioderma serricorne Fabricius on fennel and corian-der” during 2015-2016 at Department of Entomology, S. V. Agricultural College, Tirupati, at prevailing room temperature of 26
± 2°C and relative humidity of 60-95 per cent. The durations of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th instars were 8.42, 6.90, 7.60 and 7.73 days when insects were reared on fennel and 6.31, 6.60, 6.90 and 7.93 days when insects were reared on coriander respectively. The total larval duration, pupal duration and adult longevity were shorter (27.83, 12.26 and 12.93) on coriander than that of fennel (28.90, 12.63 and 13.19 days). Morphometric studies revealed that the head capsule width from 1st instar to 4th instar was more when insects were reared on coriander (0.109, 0.153, 0.239 and 0.434 mm) compared to fennel (0.109, 0.157, 0.227 and 0.331 mm). Body length of (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, pupa and adult) were more when insects were reared on coriander (0.592, 0.967, 0.230, 3.430; 1.850 and 1.570 mm) than that of fennel (0.544, 0.934, 2.160, 3.23, 1.820 and 1.510 mm). The oviposition potential of the female insects reared on coriander was 62 eggs and on fennel were 56 eggs per female. Among two food materials tested, coriander provided the higher per cent survival (73.33%) of L. serricorne, followed by fennel (66.66%) from first instar to adult. The male to female ratio was worked out to be 1:1.44 on coriander whereas on fennel it was 1:1.33. It can be concluded that coriander was most supportive food material for the growth and development of cigarette beetle with least mean developmental period, higher morphometrics, higher per cent pupal and adult survival as compared to fennel.


Biology, coriander, fennel, morphometrics, Lasioderma serricorne, Per cent survival.

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